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Tommy Hill, who will become a much respected Nashville, Tennessee-based singer/songwriter/producer and engineer, is born in San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Texan singer Jules Verne Allen records When the Work's All Done This Fall, Punching The Dough and The Dying Cowboy, for Victor Records in Los Angeles, California, USA.
The Virginians, a jazz ensemble formed by banjoist Michael Danzi and conducted by Teddy Kline begin an engagement at The Ambassadeur, Berlin, Germany.
Jimmie Noone's Apex Club Orchestra records Love Me Or Leave Me, composed by Walter Donaldson and Gus Kahn, for Supertone Records in Chicago, Illinois, USA. At the same session they also record Wake Up, Chillun, Wake Up.
Carson Robison records Why Did I Get Married and Jack Of All Trades at Gennett Recording Studio, Woodside, Long Island, New York, USA, for Champion Records.