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A rousing performance by Little Richard at The Cotton Club, Lubbock, Texas, results in the venue being shut down when fights break out among the crowd.
A rousing performance by Little Richard at the Cotton Club, Lubbock, Texas, results in the venue being shut down when fights break out among the crowd.
Big Jay McNeely begins a week long residency at The Flame Show Bar, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
The Clovers, Bo Diddley, The Five Satins and Big Maybelle play at Apollo Theater, Harlem, New York City, USA.
London's first rock'n'roll club, Studio 51, opens in Great Newport Street, Soho, with a gig by Rory Blackwell's Rock'n'Rollers.
Big Jay McNeely plays the first night in a week long residency at The Flame Show Bar, Detroit, Michigan, USA.