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Prince and Apollonia record Take Me With U at Sunset Sound Studios, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Yoko Ono and her son Sean Lennon visit the Strawberry Fields old people's home in Liverpool, England, UK, Europe, which had inspired The Beatles' song Strawberry Fields Forever. She donates £250,000 to the home.
Ozzy Osbourne plays at New Haven Coliseum, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, supported by Motley Crue.
Duran Duran's Sing Blue Silver tour plays the first of two nights at The Budokan, Tokyo, Japan, Asia.
Linda McCartney is fined £75 for recently attempting to smuggle marijuana into the UK.
Stephen Barker Liles is born in Palm Harbor, Florida, USA. He will become a founding member of the band Love And Theft, known for its 2009 debut, Runaway, and for its 2012 hit Angel Eyes. He will also provide the inspiration for the Taylor Swift song Hey Stephen (2008) on her album Fearless.