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Rise Against play at The Bayou Music Center, Houston, Texas, USA, supported by The Gaslight Anthem.
Two permanent memorials to Jimmy Savile are unveiled in Scarborough, UK. A gold-coloured plaque is unveiled at Wessex Court on the Esplanade where Sir Jimmy had a flat, and a black granite headstone is placed on his grave at Woodlands Cemetery in the town.
On her Born This Way Ball Tour, Lady Gaga plays at The O2 World, Berlin, Germany, Europe.
Carly Rae Jepsen releases a new single, Call Me Maybe, in Canada.
Crosby, Stills And Nash play the second of two nights at The Fillmore, San Francisco, California, USA.
Gangnam Style by Korean rapper Psy is recognised by Guinness World Records as the Most 'Liked' Video in YouTube History.