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Al Bowlly, accompanied by Ray Noble and his Orchestra, records There's Something In The Air, Where The Lazy River Goes By and other tracks for Victor Records in New York City, USA.
Roy Fox And His Orchestra, with Denny Dennis on vocal, record The Way You Look Tonight, A Fine Romance and other tracks, for HMV Records in London, UK.
Frank Luther's Quartet records The Lord's Prayer for Decca Records in the USA.
Tommy Griffin, Annie Turner, Little Brother Montgomery, Creole George Guesnon and Walter Vincson record I'm Gonna Try That Meat, Young Heifer Blues and other tracks for Victor Records in The St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Little Brother Montgomery records Crescent City Blues and Shreveport Farewell for Bluebird Records in The St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. The instrumental Crescent City Blues will have lyrics added by Gordon Jenkins (and sung by Beverly Maher) in 1953. This version will inspire Johnny Cash to write his almost identical hit Folsom Prison Blues in 1955. In the early 1970s, Cash will pay Jenkins a compensation settlement of approximately $75,000.