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The Wu-Tang Clan play at Club Epic, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
Toubabe Krewe, The English Beat, The Brooklyn Rundfunk Orkestrata and The Lost Fingers play at The Highline Ballroom, New York City, USA.
Jimmy Webb plays at The World Cafe Live, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
You Me At Six play at The Academy, Newcastle, UK.
A feature published by Nature Neuroscience reveals that the delicious chills felt by music lovers when listening to their favorite pieces of music are caused by a spike in the level of dopamine in their brains. Dopamine is the same neurotransmitter that's involved in reward, motivation, and addiction.
Jimmy Webb plays at The World Cafe Live, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Gregg Allman plays at The American Music Theatre, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA.
Rihanna sets a new record when the success of her latest single, What's My Name?, (featuring Drake) makes her the first female solo artist in UK chart history to achieve number one singles in five consecutive years.
Charlotte Martin plays at Schuba's, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
The National play at The Palais Theatre, Melbourne, Australia.