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Black Swan recording artist Harry A. Delmore, a specialist in Irish and sentimental songs as well as concert adaptation of spirituals, makes his last documented public performance, when he sings at Grace Congregational Church, New York City, USA. Delmore went on to run the Delmore Studio of Singing in New York after retiring from live performance.
A feature in the New York Times reports that the fashion for ukulele music has died and has been replaced by 'the moaning saxophone' of jazz music.
Jazz cornet virtuoso Bix Beiderbecke leaves hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, where he was being treated for delerium tremens caused by his heavy drinking, and re-joins the Paul Whiteman Orchestra.
A feature in the New York Times reports that the fashion for ukelele music has died and has been replaced by 'the moaning saxophone' of jazz music.
Jazz cornet virtuoso Bix Beiderbeck leaves hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, where he was being treated for delerium tremens caused by his heavy drinking, and re-joins the Paul Whiteman Orchestra.