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Musical comedy The Toreador is presented at The Gaiety Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe, during a run of 675 performances.
The 'musical dream play' Bluebell In Fairyland is presented at The Vaudeville Theatre, London, England, UK, during a run of 300 performances.
The musical play A Country Girl, or Town and Country, with music by Lionel Monckton and additional songs by Paul Rubens, is performed at Daly's Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe, during a run of 729 performances.
The musical comedy Florodora is performed at The Winter Garden Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 48 shows.
The headline "Found On The Great White Way" appears in The New York Evening Telegram. The name refers to the millions of bright electric lights around Times Square. In due course, the name The Great White Way will come to signify the area on Broadway beween 42nd and 53rd Streets.
The Royal Italian Band, a 50-strong orchestra conducted by Giuseppe Creatore, plays during a week of shows at The Odeon Theatre, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
The romantic musical comedy Maid Marian is playing at The Garden Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 64 performances.
J. W. Myers, a Welsh-born male vocal soloist with piano accompaniment, records The Bridge, Rocked In The Cradle Of The Deep, When Mother Used To Sing That Song, Way Down In Old Indiana and My Princess Zulu Lulu for Victor Records in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
The musical comedy Dolly Varden is presented at The Herald Square Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 163 performances.
Continuous Vaudeville, featuring The Quaker City Quartet, The Everett Trio, Will M. Cressy And Blanche Dayne, Midgely And Carlisle, Gilbert Sarony, The St. Leon Family, Ozav And Delmo, John McNamee, Mlle. Taglione, Smith And Campbell, Baby Mildred and Ed Cannon, is presented at The Columbia Theatre, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
A Chinese Honeymoon, billed as 'The English Musical Sensation' is playing at The Casino Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 364 performances.
The "musical absurdity" Twirly-Whirly is presented at Weber And Fields' Music Hall, New York City, USA, during a run of 247 performances.
Musical comedy The Girl From Kay's is playing at The Apollo Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe, during a lengthy run.
The musical When Johnny Comes Marching Home is presented at The New York Theatre, on Broadway and 45th Street, New York City, USA, during a run of 71 performances.
The musical comedy The Sultan Of Sulu is presented at Wallack's Theatre, New York City, USA, during a run of 192 performances.
The musical comedy The Billionaire, with music by Gustav Kerker and lyrics by Harry B. Smith, is presented during a three month run at Daly's Theatre, New York City, USA.