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On her Little Earthquakes tour, Tori Amos plays the second of two nights at The Shaw Theatre, London, England, UK.
Guns N'Roses play in Ventura, California, USA, supported by Soundgarden.
The RIAA confirms 2m sales in the USA of the LP Diamonds And Pearls by Prince.
Pyromania by Def Leppard is certified as an eight-times platinum album by the R.I.A.A. in the USA.
Bruce Springsteen hosts a party at Tipitina's in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, to play CBS executives his long-awaited Human Touch and Lucky Town albums.
Rush play in the Oakland Coliseum, Oakland, California, USA, supported by Primus.
New Kids On The Block deny allegations made by a former producer that they don’t do much of the singing on their records.
Savatage play in Detroit, Michigan, USA.