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The operetta The Chocolate Soldier, starring Bruce Carfax, is playing during a run at The Shaftesbury Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe.
Artie Shaw And His Orchestra and vocal group The Smoothies, provide music for The Burns And Allen Show on NBC Network Radio in the USA. On this edition of the show Artie Shaw performs Out Of Nowhere, and The Smoothies sing Ciribiribin.
Nicholas Turner is born in Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK. He will find success as Nik Turner, saxophonist, flute player, singer and composer with the 1970s space-rock band Hawkwind.
Ted Lewis And His Orchestra with The Stuart Morgan Dancers are playing at Chez Paree, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Shep Fields, His Rippling Rhythm Orchestra And His Big Revue play at The Oriental Theatre, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Dancer and singer Vic Dana is born in Buffalo, New York State, USA.
Duke Ellington And His Orchestra play at Chicago Coliseum, Chicago, Illinois, USA, as part of the Miss Bronze America Contest of the American Negro Exposition. Ellington himself crowns the contest winner, Miriam Ali.
Tommy Dorsey And His Orchestra, with vocalist Frank Sinatra, continue with their fourteen–week engagement at The Astor Hotel, New York City, USA.
Dick Powell, Assisted By The Foursome With Victor Young And His Orchestra, records Old Shep and Tumble Down Ranch In Arizona for Decca Records in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Jim Peterman, organist with the Steve Miller Band, is born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
The Ink Spots are playing at The Blackhawk, Chicago, Illinois, USA, with Dick Shelton And His Musical Mariners.