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Musical comedy The Toreador is presented at The Gaiety Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe, during a run of 675 performances.
The 'musical dream play' Bluebell In Fairyland is presented at The Vaudeville Theatre, London, England, UK, during a run of 300 performances.
The musical play A Country Girl, or Town and Country, with music by Lionel Monckton and additional songs by Paul Rubens, is performed at Daly's Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe, during a run of 729 performances.
The Bijou Musical Comedy Co. presents A Trip To Chinatown at The Bijou Theatre, Richmond, Virginia, USA.
The musical comedy Miss Simplicity, featuring Helen Lord, is playing at The Casino Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 56 performances.
The musical comedy Foxy Grandpa, based on a popular newspaper cartoon strip, is playing at Haverley's 14th Street Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 125 performances.
The Imperial Burlesquers are playing at Kernan's Theatre, Washington, DC, USA.
The Bostonians troupe performs the musical comedy The Serenade at The Tivoli Theatre, San Francisco, California, USA.
Sousa And His Band play at The Odeon Theatre, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
The Weber And Fields' burlesque show Fiddle-Dee-Dee is playing at Fischer's Theatre, San Francisco, California, USA.
The Merry Maidens Burlesquers are playing at The Star Theatre, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
"Golden Voiced Singer" Al. H. Wilson is appearing during a week of shows at The Grand Theatre, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
Comedy vocalists The Melani Trio, singing and dancing duo Hedrix And Prescott and French singing quartet Les Troubadours Toulousians, are among the entertainments on offer at The Orpheum Theatre, San Francisco, California, USA.
Vocalist Herbert Goddard (aka Emilio de Gogorza) records Stars Of A Summer Night, and O Holy Night for Victor Records in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Pollard's Juvenile Opera Company presents A Gaeity Girl at The Metropolitan Theatre, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
Lancelot Victor Edward Pinard is born in Cumuto, Trinidad and Tobago, Caribbean. He will find success as calypso singer Sir Lancelot.
Violinist Marion George and cornettist C.H. Chenoweth are among the artists appearing at The Unique Theater, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Mr. Geo. C. Boniface Jr, Miss Bertha Waltzinger, Miss Katherine Bloodgood, The Ellinore Sisters, Fred Niblo, The Great Kaufman Troupe, Carelius Emilo Christiani, The Merry Mannikins and Galetti's Monkey Comedians are playing at Chase's Polite Vaudeville Theatre, Washington DC, USA.
A Chinese Honeymoon, billed as 'The English Musical Sensation' is playing at The Casino Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 364 performances.
The "musical absurdity" Twirly-Whirly is presented at Weber And Fields' Music Hall, New York City, USA, during a run of 247 performances.
Musical comedy The Girl From Kay's is playing at The Apollo Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe, during a lengthy run.
The musical comedy The Sultan Of Sulu is presented at Wallack's Theatre, New York City, USA, during a run of 192 performances.
The musical comedy The Billionaire, with music by Gustav Kerker and lyrics by Harry B. Smith, is presented during a three month run at Daly's Theatre, New York City, USA.