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Amateur skiffle group The Quarrymen perform from the back of a lorry in Roseberry St, Liverpool, UK. Their guitarist is John Lennon, later to form The Beatles.
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A package tour, The Fantabulous Rock'n'Roll Show of '57, arrives at the Municipal Auditorium, Charleston, West Virginia, USA. Headliners are Ruth Brown, The Coasters, The Drifters, Bo Diddley, Smiley Lewis, The Five Satins and Paul 'Hucklebuck' Williams. When a female Bump'n'Grind duo called The Spence Twins take to the stage in flimsy negligee-like outfits, the place erupts and police have to be called in to stop the show. On the same day, amateur skiffle group The Quarrymen perform from the back of a lorry in Roseberry St, Liverpool, UK. Their guitarist is John Lennon, later to form The Beatles.
Amateur skiffle group The Quarrymen perform from the back of a lorry in Roseberry St, Liverpool, UK. Their guitarist is John Lennon, later to form The Beatles.
Around The World by Bing Crosby peaks at No5 in the Popular Singles Chart in the UK, during a run of fifteen weeks on the chart.
Fats Domino plays in Sacramento, California, USA.
The Kirchin Band plays at The Festival Hall, Kirkby, Lincolnshire, England, UK, Europe.