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Anne Shelton reaches No1 in the UK singles chart with Lay Down Your Arms, for the first of four weeks.
Hound Dog by Elvis Presley enters the UK Pop Singles Chart, where it will peak at No2 during a 23-week run.
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Anne Shelton reaches No1 in the UK singles chart with Lay Down Your Arms, for the first of four weeks.
Chuck Berry, Shirley And Lee, The G-Clefs and Buddy And Ella Johnson, play the first night of a week at the Howard Theater, Washington DC, USA.
Ray Charles plays the fifth night of a week at The Palms Club, Hallendale, Florida, USA.
The Dells, The Eldorados, Otis Rush, The Rip-Chords, The Clouds and The Chickadees, play at the Memorial Auditorium, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
In the UK, weekly pop paper The New Musical Express [NME] devotes a four-page supplement to the new music called rock'n'roll.
Dinah Washington plays the first night of a week at The Flame Show Bar, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Gene Vincent And The Blue Caps play the fifth night of a week at the Casino Royal, Washington DC, USA.