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Musical comedy The Toreador is presented at The Gaiety Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe, during a run of 675 performances.
The musical comedy Florodora is playing at The Casino Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA. The show is billed as featuring 'its world-renowned mirth, melody and merrie maidens'.
The Three Brooklyns, billed as 'Musical eccentrics from The Alhambra, London' make their American stage debut at The Orpheum, San Francisco, California, USA.
Vocalist Reno Aubrey, along with The Barrett Trio, billed as 'Club Swingers' plus dancers The Ford Brothers are among the entertainments on offer at The Casino, Richmond, Virginia, USA.
Rosati's Band plays in The Palm Garden, Bergen Beach, Brooklyn, New York City, USA.
Sousa And His Band play at Manhattan Beach, New York City, USA.
After numerous changes of management and nearly a decade of failed attempts to attract regular crowds, Koster And Bial's Music Hall on West 34th Street, New York City, USA, is closed, with the audience participating in a final rendition of Auld Lang Syne. Shortly thereafter, the theatre will be torn down to make way for the new home of R.H. Macy And Co.