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Billie Holiday and the Count Basie Band play at The Grand Theatre, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
The short musical comedy film Henry King And His Orchestra opens in cinemas in the USA. This is a Vitaphone Melody Masters short, in which King and his group are presented as yokels taking music lessons from a correspondence school.
The great singer Paul Robeson takes part in an anti-fascist meeting about the Spanish Civil War at The Royal Albert Hall, London, England, UK, Europe.
Henry Hall, Larry Adler, Gracie Fields, George Formby, Carroll Levis, Vic Oliver and Stone And Lee are the Guests of Honour at the opening of The Gaumont State Theatre, Kilburn, London, England, UK, Europe.
Lee Gates, who will become one of Milwaukee's pre-eminent blues musicians is born in Pontotoc, Mississippi, USA.
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Marlene Dietrich stars in the Lux Radio Theater presentation Song of Songs with Douglas Fairbanks, Jr on the CBS network in the USA.