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Fifteen thousand people attend the opening of the 2,500-seat Fox Theatre in Seattle, Washington. It will become a major music venue, until it is torn down in 1992.
Pioneer of Cajun accordion music Joe Falcon records Acadian One-Step in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, for Columbia Records.
The 2,600 seat Fox Theatre opens in Seattle, Washington, USA, with a screening of the musical film Broadway Melody. A Spanish baroque theater, located at 7th Avenue and Olive Street, it is the last major entertainment venue to open before the 1929 stock market crash. An interesting feature is The Fox's glass-enclosed "crying" room, where mothers can take their infant children so as not to disturb the theatre-goers.
The 2,600 seat Fox Theatre opens in Seattle, Washington, USA, with a screening of the musical film Broadway Melody. A Spanish baroque theater, located at 7th Avenue and Olive Street, it is the last major entertainment venue to open before the 1929 stock market crash. An interesting feature is The Fox's glass-enclosed "crying" room, where mothers can take their infant children so as not to disturb the theatre-goers.
Ambrose And his Orchestra record Marie, Caressing You and When Summer Is Gone, in Chelsea, London, UK, for Decca Records. The tracks are not released.