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Tiny Bradshaw And His Orchestra play at The Riviera Club, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Earl Hines And His Orchestra play the third night of a week at The Trianon Ballroom, Southgate, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Cootie Williams And His Orchestra play in Akron, Ohio, USA.
The Cats And A Fiddle are playing at The Hurricane Cocktail Lounge, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Buddy Johnson And His Orchestra play in McKeesport, Pennsylvania, USA.
The California Eagle newspaper reports that Count Basie, currently on a tour of theatres in the Mid-West opf the USA, is considering offers to play in three New York City venues - The Hotel Lincoln, The Cafe Zanzibar and The Aquarium Restuarant.
R'n'b guitarist Saunders King And His Orchestra play at The Swing Club, Third Street, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Big Joe Turner is playing at The Dew Drop Inn, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Count Basie And His Orchestra play in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Deek Watson And His Brown Dots are playing in Richmond, South Virgina, USA.
Jazz/r'n'b organist Jimmy Smith is playing at The Club Alabam, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Jazz saxophonist J.D. King plays at The Plantation Club, Los Angeles, California, USA.
The musical comedy Annie Get Your Gun, by Irving Berlin, is presented during a run of 1,147 performances at The Imperial Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA.