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The musical Fiddler On The Roof, starring Zero Mostel, is performed at The Majestic Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA. It will run continuously (but at three different theatres) until 1972 notching up 3,242 performances.
The rock musical Your Own Thing is presented at The Orpheum Theatre, New York City, USA, during a run of 937 performances.
The musical Jacques Brel Is Alive And Well And Living In Paris, is performed at The Village Gate, Greenwich Village, New York City, USA, during a run of 1,847 performances.
The controversial hippy musical, Hair is playing at the Biltmore Theatre on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1750 performances.
The rock musical Hair (which includes a scene with a fully nude cast) is presented during a run of 1,997 performances at the Shaftesbury Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe. The cast includes Marsha Hunt, Paul Nicholas, Sonja Kristina and Jimmy Winston.
Petula Clark hosts and stars in tv show The Kraft Music Hall in the USA, with guests Lou Rawls and Anthony Newley.
Galliard play at Mothers, Erdington, Birmingham, England, UK, Europe.
Ringo Starr of The Beatles continues work on his solo album, Sentimental Journey, at EMI’s Abbey Road studios, London, England, UK, Europe, re-recording his vocals for Let The Rest Of The World Go By and Have I Told You Lately That I Love You. He also records his own song, It Don’t Come Easy, with George Harrison on guitar and Stephen Stills of Crosby, Stills, Nash And Young, on piano.
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Miles Davis records several versions of the song Willie Nelson in Columbia Records Studio, New York City, USA.
Edwin Starr plays at The Top Rank, Leicester, England, UK, Europe.
Dusty Springfield records Something For Nothing at Sigma Sound Studios, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Elvis Presley continues with his four-week second season at The International Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
The Third Ear Band play at New Century Hall, Manchester, England, UK, Europe, supported by Al Stewart.
Jez and Andy Williams of Manchester, England, UK, Europe, band Doves are born. Jez is the band's guitarist while Andy plays drums.
It is announced in the UK music press that "a new supergroup" - Thin Lizzy – has been formed.
John Lennon of The Beatles throws a party at Apple Records in London, England, UK, Europe, to celebrate Yoko Ono's 37th birthday.
Tom Jones earns a Gold disc from the R.I.A.A. in the USA for the single Without Love. The song is a cover version of a 1957 hit by Clyde McPhatter.
Pentangle play at The Assembly Hall, Tunbridge Wells, England, UK, Europe.
Raine Maida, vocalist of Our Lady Peace, is born in Weston, Ontario, Canada.
Dizzy Gillespie and Jimmy Witherspoon play during a week of shows at Red Foxx's club, San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Jerry Lee Lewis, Vicki Carr and Jimmy Rogers appear on tv's Johnny Cash Show in the USA.
Badfinger play at The Richmond Club, Manchester, England, UK, Europe.