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The Maccabees play at The Hi Fi Bar And Ballroom Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Chuck Brown, known as The Godfather of Go Go, dies aged 75 of multiple organ failure following pneumonia, at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Blues-rock band 24 Pesos release a new album, When The Ship Goes Down, on Ourgate Records in the UK.
Doug Dillard, virtuoso banjo player with The Dillards, is hospitalised in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, and dies, aged 75, shortly after.
The Mark Lanegan band plays at Small's, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
On their Fallen Empires tour, Snow Patrol play at The South Side Music Hall, Dallas, Texas, USA.
An individual going by the name of @Gunn2urhead begins sending death threats via Twitter to Shirley Manson, the singer with Garbage. On this day alone, over 200 threats are sent.