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Fifteen inches (380 mm) of rain fall in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, in 18 hours. More than 4 feet (1.2 m) of water covers parts of the city. 637,000 people are forced to relocate by the flooding, but excessive loss of life is averted by relief efforts. Inspired by the disaster, Ernest V. Stoneman will record The Story Of The Mighty Mississippi for Victor Records a few days later, and Barbecue Bob will record Mississippi Heavy Water Blues soon after. Still in 1928, James Crawford will record Flood And Thunder Blues for Gennett Records in New York City, USA. At the end of the same year, The Elders McIntorsh and Edwards will record The 1927 Flood for OKek Records in Chicago, Illinois, USA. In 1929, Charley Patton will record High Water Everywhere on the same subject for Paramount Records.
Jazz drummer Charlie Smith is born in New York City, USA. In an acclaimed career as a jazz drummer he will play with Dizzy Gillespie, Charlie Parker, Hank Jones, Ella Fitzgerald, Oscar Pettiford, Piano Red (blues), Billy Taylor and others.