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Johnny Dankworth plays at the Villa Marina Ballroom, Douglas, Isle Of Man.
Johnny Dankworth plays at the Villa Marina Ballroom, Douglas, Isle Of Man.
Bill Haley And His Comets are banned from performing at the Rock And Roll Under The Stars concert in Roosevelt Stadium, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA. The local authorities claim that, "Rock'n'roll music encourages juvenile delinquency and inspires young females in lewd bathing suits to perform obscene dances on the city's beaches." [censorship]
Bill Haley and His Comets are banned from performing at the Rock And Roll Under The Stars concert in Roosevelt Stadium, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA. The local authorities claim that, "Rock'n'roll music encourages juvenile delinquency and inspires young females in lewd bathing suits to perform obscene dances on the city's beaches."
Bill Haley and his Comets are banned from performing at the Rock And Roll Under The Stars concert in Roosevelt Stadium, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA. The local authorities claim that, 'Rock'n'roll music encourages juvenile delinquency and inspires young females in lewd bathing suits to perform obscene dances on the city's beaches.' (censorship)