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The stage musical Man Of La Mancha is playing at the ANTA Washington Square Theatre, New York City, USA, during a run of almost two and a half years.
Nico (backed by Jackson Browne on guitar) plays at Stanley's in the basement of The Dom, New York City, USA, supported by Tim Buckley.
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The musical Fiddler On The Roof, starring Zero Mostel, is performed at The Majestic Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA. It will run continuously (but at three different theatres) until 1972 notching up 3,242 performances.
Salisbury-based band Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick And Tich enter the UK pop singles chart with Touch Me, Touch Me, which will peak at No13.
Quicksilver Messenger Service, Steppenwolf and Kaleidoscope play the second of two nights at The Cheetah, Venice, Los Angeles, California, USA.
The Smoke enter the UK singles chart with My Friend Jack, but a BBC ban quickly comes into effect because of the song's LSD-related lyric, and it never rises above No45.
Mud play at Tiles Club, London, England, UK.
Nico is playing at The Dom, New York City, USA, with Jackson Browne as her accompanying musician. Browne will be inspired by Nico to write his song The Birds Of St. Marks about her.
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The Cannonball Adderley Quintet, The Wes Montgomery Quartette and The Young-Holt Trio play the first of four nights during The Spring Jazz Festival at Leo's Casino, Euclid Quad Hall, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.