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For the fourth consecutive week, Love Me Or Leave Me by Doris Day is the No1 album in the Cashbox magazine chart in the USA. The album is the soundtrack to the film of the same name, a highly-fictionalised account of the life of 1920s singer Ruth Etting.
The current No1 single in the UK is Rose Marie by Slim Whitman.
The Texas Ramblers play at Club 81, Austin, Texas, USA.
Canadian fourteen year old Priscilla Wright joins the ranks of one hit wonders when Man In A Raincoat peaks at No16 in the Billboard Singles Chart in the USA.
Elvis Presley plays live on KWKH Radio's weekly show The Louisiana Hayride in Shreveport, Louisiana, USA, He also plays at the 12th Annual White River Carnival in River Stadium, Batesville, Arkansas, USA. The promoter of this gig, Ed Lyon will write to Elvis's manager, Col Tom Parker, demanding compensation because Elvis behaved unprofessionally and told off-colour jokes during his set. Col Parker will give him a $50 refund.
Lefty Frizzell headlines the first country music concert ever held at the Hollywood Bowl, Hollywood, California, USA.
The Yellow Rose Of Texas by Mitch Miller and his Orchestra and Chorus enters the Billboard Top 40 singles chart in the USA, where it will peak at No1.