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When Keith Urban plays at Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, he is joined onstage by Eric Church (for Raise 'Em Up) and Peter Frampton (for The Beatles' song Get Back).
Panic! At The Disco, play at Sound Academy, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Taylor Swift plays at The O2 Arena, London, UK, supported by The Vamps.
Ellie Goulding plays at The Spektrum, Oslo, Norway, Europe.
John Legend takes part in the DirecTV Beach Bowl at Pier 40, New York City, USA.
On their AM Tour, Arctic Monkeys play at Jannus Live, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA.
Murray Kasmuri, of the popular Indonesian pop/rock group Koes Bersaudara aka Koes Plus, dies aged 65 in Jatisampurna, Bekasi, West Java, Asia. The group became hugely controversial in 1965 when they were arrested on charges of 'subversion', for having performed cover versions of songs by The Beatles.