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U2 release a new single, New Year's Day, in the UK.
The coming year is designated a sabbatical for Queen, with all members of the band taking a break from group activities.
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The Smithereens play at the Dirt Club, Bloomfield, New Jersey, USA.
David Buttolph, a film and tv music composer with over 300 film scores to his credit, dies aged 80 in Poway, California, USA.
It is reported in the UK music press that bassist Simon Gallup has left The Cure.
New Year's Day by U2 is a song about the Solidarity movement in Poland. The lyric refers to Lech Walesa, the persecuted leader of Solidarity. Bono has said that when he was writing the lyric, "I must have been thinking about Lech Walesa being interned. Then, when we'd recorded the song, they announced that martial law would be lifted in Poland on New Year's Day. Incredible."